Okay so she's not really reading at age 3 but memorization is one of her strengths for sure...she will surprise us all the time when we are reading her a book that she's heard several times and she will just start reciting it to us! She definitely did not get her memory from me or her grandma!...on either side!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Ruby the soccer player...she's always talking about it, and she has rubber ball thats she's always kicking around the house (not in these slippers of course)...she's pretty good actually, I can't wait until she's old enough to play on team! Here she is doing the soccer cheer ..
I love man-to-man time, father/son, whatever you may call it...it's precious Liam is ALWAYS so fast to fall asleep with Marty...So there you are Tasha...so much to look forward to!!!
Saturday we decided at the last minute to go snow-shoeing at this park close by...it was a beautiful day...we need to do this more often! Ruby loved it and Liam didn't know any better...
Beautiful Utah
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
First I wanted to show you your shifty-eyed grandchildren (lydia/liam) looks like there up to no-good if ya ask me...
Next I wanted you to see the table you sent for Xmas, this is her kitchen in the background that she got too. But the table is GREAT and excellent quality...Ruby loves it!

Lastly here is the beautiful sweater on her...it's a perfect fit! You are great with sizes and I love the color...thanks thanks thanks, you know you are the best!!!

Megan's Dexter didn't have school one day so the mom's (with no kids in school) went with her to the "Living Planet Aquarium" in Sandy ...it was a good day..
You can touch and pet the sting rays, the kids loved it. It was a fair price $8 for adults and kids under 3 are free. It was a good size of place too, (not too big where it takes 3+ hours to see everything)
There are steps too for little one's like Rube to view the "sea life"
Brooks in his sty'lin cap and Ingrid in her sty'lin cap

Needless to say, it didn't take much to wear them out and it was a nice relaxing ride home, it's great to have sisters close by

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Holy Snow
For all you non-utahns' out there...we got slammed with a great storm that brought lots of white bliss...

Yummy snow...

Actually it is fun to get a big bowl of fresh/clean snow and add sweetened condensed milk and a little vanilla and stir it up for a great icey treat! Ingrid (my sis-in-law) taught us this and it is really fun to make after a storm like this...
Ruby trying desperately to run around or even walk, "Mom, the snow's too big." and later she said, "Mommy I can't walk, but (she means because) there's too many snows! "

Lost in the oblivion of white...just a speck of pink
"Look Mom, a BED!!" then I said well I'll take a picture of it , and Ruby replied, "Mom, but the bed can't smile?!"
Ruby trying desperately to run around or even walk, "Mom, the snow's too big." and later she said, "Mommy I can't walk, but (she means because) there's too many snows! "
She really would have sunk if she weighed a little more than a mere 23 lbs.
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