Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Xmas and winter fun

ruby helps marty cut yarn for her christmas candy countdown necklace, it's an old tradition of my family's
with good old grams at our extended family xmas was a crazy 2 hours!we didn't mean to have a family shot without him (above) so had to give him his own glory

alot of hard work...
for a beautiful snowman..., that...
ruby made friends with...
in the sun he melted...
melted and melted until ruby finally knocked his head off and stomped on him, i won't show that pic, it's too graphic
ryan (marty's brother) and becca's baby girl-Lydia-i love newborns

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That really is a beautiful snowman. Very neat and clean. Good job Marty and Ruby. =)
And awww look...I'm on your blog. So is little Liddie. How cute! Can I get copies of those pictures? They're better than the ones we took!