Thursday, May 8, 2008

ah! the Sun

A Day at the Park
Marty's Mom was in town for a few days, SO nice to see you Di. We had a great , relaxing time, good thing the park wasn't the highlight of your stay! It was too DANG windy, remember?

Okay, I know my glasses are GINORMOUS, but they are all I had with me in the car ( I think they're my Mom's) Nursing Momma!
Some down-time...


Kim said...

Hey you the new floor and the downstairs looks sooo much better without the dark panelling. Miss you guys. Tell Ruby "Hi" from her best friend Kimby and tell her "I Love Her"!!!


cheeks said...

that first pic of liam could win you guys some $$$$ in a photo contest. he is beautiful!! how fun to play with cousins at the park! Liam looks like he's finally gettin some pudge! So cute! Cant wait to see you guys!

Rebecca said...

Fabulous picture of me, thanks! =)