Thursday, July 10, 2008

Poor Liam

Little Liam has had this really nasty nose for weeks...and he is like a constant bubble maker...he rarely has a clear passageway anyways, with his allergies, but it's pretty sad when he's real stuffed up. And how lucky he is to have an older sister that just loves to play with him, dress up and all...I walked in her room today and this is what she was busily and quietly doing, she even sprayed him down with the water bottle, which she hates when I do it to her hair.
What has he gotten himself into...poor kid. If he only knew what older an older sister would expect from him, he'd have been born first.


Kath said...

I LOVE the pictures of Ruby doing his hair and his princess outfit. So adorable...I remember Savana doing the same thing to Porter. Hopefully there won't be any lasting effects! Poor little guy with his allergies! Porter has them so bad...his eyes literally swell shut. So we totally feel your pain!

Rosie said...

Oh my gosh! those are the cutest and funniest pictures I've seen. You've got to blow that 3rd one up for his wedding day! How fun! give them both kisses for me. Jack too, is Mr. Snuffleupagus with his summer allergies. poor thing didn't stand a chance with me as his mom :)
Hope you guys are doing well.

cheeks said...

this is hilarious...i think i have one of those bubble pics on my blog--of liam, not me! Evy has his competition now with liam lookin all cute in dress-up clothes!

Thanks so much for the bday card and picture text! Hilarious! I love you guys!

Love your new layout! I really need some help with my boring page! PS...i need to call you so i can ask about how your girls camp went...hope all is well!

Kim said...

You know that those pics are gonna be wedding video material (blackmail?) Gross on the nose! But poor buddy too...both with the allergies and having to be dressed up like a girl. I am so just teasing you Mindy. Liek I haven't been there with having three girls and one boy. I think its cute!

Diane Wright said...

I hope Matt Checks your blog soon because he suffered the same fate as Liam. Kim and Raquel use to make him play dolls and have tea parties and wear makeup. He survived to be a manly man as you well know and so will Liam. For now he's having a blast anyway. Love you all and see you soon.

The Close's Place said...

Jason was at the mercy of his 3 older sisters. It's a tough life as far as dress up goes, but he'll never be wanting for hugs and kisses.

Becca said...

Hey, Marty and Mindy! I ran into Rosie the other day, and found your blog through her's. Your family is so cute, and Mindy, you look like such a hot mama! Ruby was just a newborn when I saw her last, and you were makin' it happen with the Babywise book. So, when are you guys coming over for dinner?

Mary Kelly said...

Hi Mindy! Your children are quite possibly the cutest peanuts ever! Ruby has changed so much and Liam is just a doll- especially in dress-up clothes. I'm glad things are going well for your family of four. We will check back soon!

The Nielsen's said...

Hi Mindy, Cute family picture, if one of our boys was to be dressed up Jeremiah would have a fit, I think it is cute that Ruby has a little dress-up buddy. Talk to you soon!!
Love Linds

Jim Tiff and Kidlets said...

Booger are AWESOME!!!!

Katie said...

Hey Mindy...cute pictures of your kids. So, Mark decided to get out of real estate when the industry slowed down. He got a job as a pharmaceutical sales rep, and that brought us down to the Eugene area. So far things are going great. Hope everything is going along great for you guys.

Rebecca said...

I loved those fun memories you posted on my blog! They made me laugh. I had forgotten about that time we checked grades seperately. That was funny. I was thinking about that time you and Marty were squished into the middle seat of our van on our way home from Oregon. You were Ike and Joe's personal servants, getting them books and snacks, putting on movies for them, etc. You guys are awesome. I always loved hanging out with you.

Jarrett Family said...

You Mindy would be the mom to let your little girl dress up her baby brother as a princess!! JK That is adorable. I'm sure if I have a boy after Annabelle she will do the same thing. I acually have some pics of Bobby when he was a baby and his older sister put bows in his hair. It is adorable! I acually put one of them in our wedding video. He didn't like it to much that I did that but it was to cute, so that could happen to Liam someday! :)

The Better Half said...

Those snot bubbles are so grose, they're is also adorable that ruby dresses Liam up and amazing that he sits still for it!!! Your getting so fancy with your new layout...what a computer geek you have the way I need help to post on my blog (please) I just can't seem to remember how and you are now second in line for computer/blog help in Brett's absence..WOW go figure. Loved all the pictures.