I know I've mentioned
'poor Liam's nose' before...but it is truly a tragedy. His is
constantly running. My friend recently told me about her niece that had her
adenoids and tonsils removed at age 5 because she's had problems with them since birth and one of the symptoms was a constant runny nose! Liam also
snores and is a
chronic mouth-breather, (probably will be plagued with halitosis as a teen) So hopefully there is a solution out their for the little buddy and he can oneday breath again! And, it doesn't make him look any prettier-the fact that he spit up or out something in his mouth right before I snapped the picture-
As for the
bellies. We went to a restaurant with my family in S.L.C. called the Cedars of Lebanon. It was a blast and we dinned on really great, authentic food. The menu is a wee bit pricey. Our plates were 18$ a pop. It was Ingrids (my sis-in-law's) idea. She always finds these little holes in the wall that turn out to be really marvelous. You would never enter-in just by passing by. The outside appearance is nothing to look at.
Chelle getting ready to nurse her baby, this is
no place for a child...
We had a large group there, I didn't get pictures of the other 3 couples, they were being poop's. This is my dad's favorite part...the
beLLy dancer...
Marty tipped her too, but I couldn't get a picture, he did it so fast, and his little hands were shaking, poor guy.
The lady kept bugging everyone to get up and dance with her. I finally did and you notice I had no tips in
my waistband. Must have done just a so-so job, though Marty is smiling -I can't be sure but in the picture it appears he is not smiling at ME...ha ha. Jami if you'd have been there I know you would have jumped right up with me...next time okay. We missed you guys that night, it was so much fun-thanks for planning it Ingrid.