Here's tinkerbell again with just a little touch up on the computer...
I had to post this one again -zoomed in- because I love this little moment they're having...
Some pict's from a photo friend Heidi and I used my camera and took some of our kids and then she took some of our family for us ... THANKS HEIDI! Here are some of my favorites...
These aren't my FAVORITE family shots, but we'll probably use one of the others for our christmas card so I'm holding out on posting them...

My fav. of Liam...
And Heidi's little one, Annabelle...

What a good lookin' family!
Those pictures turned out so cute, I love them. Could you please come and take pictures of my family.
Cute pictures! And what a cute little Tinkerbell! I love what you did with photoshop, or whatever program you used. You have skills!
Your pictures are awesome. Looking forward to the Christmas card. Your family is so cute. I promise one of these days we will get down to you. Take care, Jared and Amy
These are so cute! Ruby looks like a little model! Min...i love those pointy cowgirl boots. I didn't know you'd gone country! :) THanks again for the package, i love it!
LOVE those pictures! I can't imagine there being a cuter option for Christmas cards but then again you have the cutest family ever so I'm sure your cards will be a hit! I'm glad things are going so well for your family!
I love these pictures..the B&W are my favorite! You guys are so cute! I hope all is well for you guys! LOL
Wow, Mindy. Your family is BEAUTIFUL! Seriously, you are hogging all the cuteness. Don't you love great pictures? The one of Ruby with her serious little sweet. And Liam on the steps looks like such a little hottie! I love the one of you guys by the brick wall... great family pics!
I love the bathtub pic, too. Don't you love when they are friends? I can't stand when they fight but when they are buddies it is a great joy, don't you think?
Um, is Marty in the bishopric? Are you still YW pres? Sheesh!
Anyway, I love reading your blog... I miss ya.
yes, marty had been called as 1st councilor and i have not been released (yet) the bishop wants to see how it is for us, see if we can pull it off...tuesdays are going to be pretty crazy! that's our mutual night and marty's meetings are always on tuesdays...ahhh
such is life, plus i love my calling so i'd be sad if they released me right now...
Mindy, ditto to the other comments. You have the cutest little family, and you look GREAT!
We need to get a date for a Christmas get together with us friends sometime next month. I asked Becca if she's going to come to town, and i need to write the others as well. Let me know whatcha think!
Oh, congrats on the bishopric! Woohoo! That's awesome. Go Marty!
I am finally leaving a comment. I think you picked out cute pictures they are all great. What a cute family. Also quit logging into my blog and changing things.I should never have given you access.
Love it! Sign me up for a photo shoot with the kiddos! :) You were advertising weren't you?
Sounds like Tuesday is going to be fun...your ward is really lucky to have you guys.
And finally, I tapped into your sister Michelle's blog...beautiful baby girl!! He cheeks are so freaking cute. I love those big babies!
I meant to write "her" cheeks. Yes, I just "revised" my post.
Very cute! Who is your photographer! She is awesome I need to get her number!:) Love the belly dancing! that is awesome
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