yes i have officially exploded...belly and all (this picture proves it)(way cute pic of my sis though)... I still have 5 weeks left! As time is drawing nearer I am getting a little scared to picture 3 kids! I have all kinds of doubts and fears...AND it's hard to picture going back to the baby stage again....
Liam is a very independent little dude for the most part and sleeps like a freakin rock...he's always been a good sleeper. He'll sleep in till nearly nine most mornings and goes down around 8 or 8:30 at night; and he still takes 2 hour naps. What do I do with a newborn!? Sleep is something I need to avoid major awnryness.
I really hate maternity clothes- esp. pants; so in a way I'm kind of wishing the baby here to just be comfortable again and wear normal clothes and jeans! The whole tucking in / yanking up thing ain't working anymore for me. I CANNOT complain about the ability to birth and rear children though because I know it's a major blessing that not everyone can experience, so I am done with my rant. Anyways- how can I not be geared up for another one when I get to see a face like this everyday!
I haven't had any children myself, nor am I pregnant, so take this with a grain of salt. If you haven't read Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, give it a shot. It's a good read advocating natural child birth. Good luck!
I'm excited for you - excited to find out what you are having!!! I'm due in 8 weeks and I'm feeling what you are feeling - argh!!! I don't have any suggestions on Natural Childbirth (Bryson was breeched and came cesearean). But both my sisters have had their 2 children each naturally (and they have said the pain is in your head), oh and grab ice cubes for your mounth and chomp when the pain gets super hard.
WHAT????? Are you seriously going natural????? wow!!! I felt half of everything with E and i wouldn't ever want to feel it all! i don't know about the above ice advice...unless you want broken teeth! ha ha!
you. Look. Great. i kinda hope you're still prego when we get there so i can rub your belly....but would still be super fun if baby was already there by the time we come! he/she will be so freakin cute! can't wait! xoxo
Thanks Jam, that makes me feel a whole lot better....ha!!!
Mindy, I could never have gone natural so I won't comment on that. If you go quick, it would probably be OK, but if not, I'd say NO WAY.
I can't wait to see you all in 4 and 1/2 days. Maybe we will have a baby while I'm there. Love you all
Just make up your mind to do it. It's like running, when the pain hits and you're tired and don't want to go any more, you're usually almost done. IT's the same with child birth. Make up your mind to do it, to endure the pain. THis is your third so chances of it going fast are high. You CAN do it! Bring your own pain meds, it'll save you $, also, if you need them, stool softners. Every little bit you bring from home helps. I recomend the book the top person said. With this the more prepaired you are the easier it is.
I agree that you should make up your mind and do it. I tried... and took the epidural after 32 hours. I'm sure your labor won't last that long. But seriously, I have a low pain tolerance, so I'm sure you can do it. (ended in a section anyway, but that's my own body saying that it wasn't meant to birth children, i guess).
I read the Bradley method book and practiced it, but when it came down to really hard labor, I ended up using a lot of lamaze breathing. I would breath and Scott would count slowly to 8 or so while I breathed in, then another 8 while I breathed out. It was really helpful. Also I told him before that if I was begging for an epidural, don't minimize my pain, don't blow it out of proportion, but suggest a new position or waiting another 30 minutes. It worked. I waited. I switched positions. I showered. I breathed. And focused.
Don't be freaked out about it. The pain slowly builds and you will be surprised and amazed what you can handle. Have Marty do counterpressure on your back or hips. I am sure you'll do great!
Good luck!
thanks you guys for all the advice! I hope now I can do it and it wasn't all for not.!!! I appreciate it!
Mindy, you are so cute pregnant!!! See ya tomorrow at New Moon!!
That is a cute picture of you as well. Ya your sleeping days are soon over. I think it is nuts to go natural but I have never even felt birth pains so maybe not so bad. But I think you can do if you don't use a midwife and go thru what you did with ruby.
Natural! Mindy, wow. Good luck. I'm the biggest cheapskate in the world, but even I would splurge for the epidural
going natural is all the rave these days. I've had many friends do it, so i'm almost wondering if I should try on my last. You can do it! If you aren't induced then the contractions aren't as strong as the pitocin makes it, so that's a help. Everyone told me that natural w/out meds is way easier than natural with meds...the contractions are WAY worse. Are your labors fast? If you know you'll only be a couple hours then I think it's totally doable!
Hi Mindy I'm blog stalking! lol.
BUT I couldn't resist commenting- You should call Candis- she is the NATURAL QUEEN! She also helps with labor and delivery- She teaches classes and LOVES It!
She keeps saying that anyone who is "prepared" can do it. I would never want to but if you do I would seriously call her!
Looks like you got ton of great advice Mindy. You look great btw, but I know about just wanting to be done. I like the comparison to running cause that is kind of how you need to look at labor. I had fast ones, my longest was an hour and maybe I am not the one to get advice from because it was just a full out sprint and then I was done. It did help to switch positions a lot and I really liked standing up a few times cause my back hurt so bad. I did have an E with Megan...she came out upside down and it hurt so bad...but if you put your mind up to and prepare yourself ahead of time (meaning: prep hubby and others in the room with you to distract and keep you calm and to tell you no if you ask) then you really can do it. Also - ask for a blessing right before. It sure helps too. But you know what - money aside...if you need it you need it and no one will look at you differently if you do. Enjoy it too, it is another birth of a beautiful child and such a miracle. I am so excited for you and so sad we don't talk as much anymore...cause I sure miss you and your sis and all my girls form the SO hood. Call me whenever and best wishes!
Robyn, if you happen to see this you have Candis's number by chance...I know she's in Morgan but I can't think of her married name....
Just get the epideral and get financial aide!! Hahaha. If you have to that is. Mine wore off the last 45 minutes for Alexa and if I can do it you can do it trust me! You look ADORABLE! It's a great pic of both of you. You'll love it one day when you're not prego.
Mind, you look awesome. I'm so excited for you! Gosh, within a few months, both you and Bec are taking the leap from 2 to 3. I know you'll be awesome. We should all get together for x-mas before the babe comes. I miss you guys. happy thanksgiving!
I kinda had to laugh as I read most of the even makes me nervous about 'natural' childbirth and heaven knows I don't have o worry about that NOW. Ya know, they used to have 'natural' root canals and tooth extractions too and people were just fine?!? oh ya..I think they used to use whiskey in those days. Seriously Mindy, I know that you can do anything you put your mind to.. I've seen you do it!! And if it's safe for you and baby then go for it- love that sweet grin of Liams
Suggestion for natural childbirth--wooden spoon, Mindy, a BIG wooden spoon!
Um, Kristy...I don't get it...should I?
To bite one. A spoon to bite on (I assume). Ali gave great advice. I tried going natural with my #3. My goal was to get to a five, and then wait another 30 minutes before an epidural. I waited, and by the time they got the epidural in (40 minutes after I waited) I was at an 8. I probably shoulda hung in there, but he ended up being 9 lbs. 10.2 oz. and needed the salad tongs to help bring his bowling ball head into this world. So I was dang glad I had those drugs.
You CAN do it, change positions, walk, sit on a ball, get on hands and knees, breathe, breathe, breathe. But if you must get an epidural, you can work with your anesthesiologist on the price. They'll bill you for the highest possible, but you CAN negotiate. They're providing a service, and like any other service, there isn't a "set" price. You may want to talk to one before hand to negotiate a deal just in case. We paid out of pocket for one, and because she massively screwed up (baby #4--the epidural was worse than anything else) we ended up paying $500. She returned $250 of it as an apology, so we paid $250. Anyway, worth asking.
Best of luck. You will do AWESOME. Just keep thinking, I AM WOMAN! HEAR ME ROAR!! (Or somethin' like that).
Duh, to bite ON, not to bite one. I hate not proof reading before hitting PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT. Darn.
I obviously never have gone through labor, but I did see some awesome natural births on my labor and delivery rotation for nursing school. The thing that I saw that made the biggest difference in the natural labors was the husband or support person. One couple had gone to a class and the husband learned how to do counterpressure on the wife's back during her contractions. She told me after that she couldn't do it without that. I also agree with Karen and STRONGLY advise you to bring your own pain meds if you do well with them and do not need narcotics. One tylenol will cost you about 18 bucks...a rip I know, but I had to do research on it for school and that is what the hospital bills. Don't know if that is any help, but good luck friend. After seeing it done, I want to try it too. It is amazing.
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