Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nothing like a nice bath

a day can start out this way...

but after a trip to the American West Heritage Center...(baby animal day)...it's gotta end this way too!


cheeks said...

yeah....i don't blame ya! germy animals! ha ah!

ok, ONE....i love that cute family pic on your header

and TWO... the last pic of rubes holding that bunny is GORGEOUS!! She is so beautiful....in a weird way i just saw a glimpse of her as a teen! you guys are in TROU. BLE!!! did you make that hat??

Mindy and Marty said...

heck no, i did not make it. cute though...wish i could have.

Rick and Angie said...

I'm sorry - but your kids are so so stinkin' cute. Love their smiles!!!

Diane Wright said...

Ruby needs more time with animals. She looks like she would rather eat dirt than hold that Rabbit. Looks like Liam got another cowlick!!! Great pictures of beautiful children. I love them.