Monday, November 1, 2010


I entered a picture of my kids in a Superhero costume contest on KSL morning news...and we actually won!  There were 5 winners out of Utah.  I happened to be watching the last 20 min. of the broadcast while working-out one morning and saw that they wanted pic's of superheros sent in.  And then I realized I already had my kids' costumes made and they were superheros.  Sadly I missed the broadcast when they announced the winners.! But I got an email the next day telling me we had won and what our prize was.   
OUR PRIZE=  We got to go see the preview of MEGAMIND at Jordan Commons in Sandy.  It was in an IMAX theater in 3D.  It was SO great.  I have not seen a 3D movie in a really long time. And am usually not very hip on it.  The glasses are flimsy and annoying to wear, the kids never keep them on and it ends up being a blow.  But glasses these days are nice, comfortable, regular glasses.  You don't even realize your wearing them.  As for the quality of the 3D- it was so, so great!  The movie was very entertaining.  In fact so much so that  I didn't even let my 5 year old go the bathroom!(cuz I didn't want to leave to take her)  She was literally shaking in her seat, her legs were going 100 miles an hour just a  kick'in and shak'in - but I kept telling her to hold it!  Albeit she was in trouble for NOT going that morning before we left OR when I took Liam right before the movie started. I warned her and she said she "didn't have to!" I loved the movie and recommend it to everyone (especially in 3D).  I also loved getting special treatment.  When we got there, there was huge, long line of folks waiting to get in and were escorted past everyone right inside the theater.  We had 2 rows of seats taped off/reserved for us.  We got prize bags for our family which included  baseball caps, MegaMind masks, mega-sized pencils, sweatbands, tattoo's, posters, plastic jewelry, balloons, coloring books- all with the megamind logo on them.  It was a total blast and great memory for the kids...they loved it!    


Karen said...

That's AWESOME! What a great time and how fun for the kids. Congrats on winning!

cheeks said...

that is soooo awesome mindy! all your hard work on the costumes paid off! you got the royal treatment! i love that you didn't let ruby go to the bathroom cuz you didn't want to miss anything! haha!

Diane Wright said...

You have always been a winner, but you don't always get the special treatment for being a winner and this time you did. The costumes were very creative and you did great.

Katie said...

Sweet diggin!! :) I knew putting your little man in tights would pay off!

Keri said...

Awesome! I love winning things - its not very often though. LOL. I did LOVE your costumes!!!

Keri said...

Awesome! I love winning things - its not very often though. LOL. I did LOVE your costumes!!!