Monday, November 3, 2008



Diane Wright said...

Ruby, what a beautiful fairy princess you are. I love your green hair. Liam, you little chicken. Eat all your candy fast before your mom throws it away. Love grandma diane

Brent~April~Kennley said...

I love their cute little coustumes....Ruby looks so beautiful! Glad you are doing well, miss haveing you sub!

Em said...

Haha...oh my gosh, Mindy, Ruby is the cutest little fairy ever. What a sweetie pie.

Rosie said...

Love them!! I can't believe she even got the green hair - too darn precious.

Katie said...

Adorable...absolutely adorable! :) Seriously, your homemaking skills astound me...

cheeks said...

what a cute little fairy princess and chicken you have! Is ruby getting taller? Where did you get that designer coat she is wearing? Seriously? It looks expensive...nice taste rubes!