The first snow of the season, had to get out there...
Always a H.S. friend get-together in December...I love these dear girls, it never changes with them...even Mark was there cuz he loves us so. We missed you little rascals that didn't make it.
Journey to Zion, I mean... Bethlehem, at the Baptist Church in Layton, Heidi talked us into going, but it turned out to be really neat I thought. You just have to get thru the wait...
We LOVE having Jami B. and Brett home with us from Ohio...
We had a surprise baby shower for Jam, the night of our couples we had to play a game that the men would enjoy too... so obviously we picked the pooh game...and let me tell you...

Poor Jared was solo, someone forgot to set up his blind-date...while his wife was out of town in Virginia...
Lincoln (Ruby's cousin) is 18 months younger than she... can you tell?
Great-super GMA Wilson...We love you!
Grandpa Anderton as Santa...
Beautiful Gma Anderton and her famous singing reindeer...
AHHHH, the open ROAD , out to CALI for Christmas...!
this is obviously a REAL picture, like I would look that way for a set-up...i know i know, nice double neck i got going on...Marty ALWAYS takes a picture of me when I'm sleeping in the it really that funny?

Cousin-time with Jeremy , he loves Ruby and she just follows him around like a puppy.
Dipping choc. pretzels, one of the many treats we enjoyed...
the two babes together again...little loo-hoo and buddy-bud...
Liam, Ruby and Lucy sharing a little intimate time... 
Ruby spent oodles of time with her very 'breast' friend in the whole world, Auntie Kimby... they were laughing so hard in this picture, i wish the camera captured it precious...
The stocking for Jesus, a tradition i learned from my Sis, Ruby looks like she's headed off to war?
Making cookies for Santa!
Christmas morning, the reindeer came and ate all their carrots and apples! 
Bud's favorite gift...
it coos and barks and waddles it's tail...perfect, beats a real dog for now...
lookin suave in his new knitted sweater from Di...Ruby and I got knitted sweaters this year too....! hoorah! lOVE them
Rube's favorite gift...she had to close her eyes while Dad brought it in from the shed...Santa couldn't fit it in the chimney...
who knew an ipod could make someone sooo happy...p.s. wasn't from us, we weren't that smart to think of it...
Lucy-loo in her tu-tu ...
Kim spoiled Ruby this year since she had our names...thanks! Ruby hasn't stopped playing with her toys.
Guitar-Hero....oh ya...
Babies watching...
toddlers sleeping...
time for a xmas day feast! 
some bike riding time before we head back for snow-ville...

We love going to California because we are so spoiled there, the weather and climate are so great...Diane lives in a cute little farm house in beautiful country, you have to stoke up a 'REAL' life fire for heat, we always eat really well there, we love to see family (although we missed you David/Vanessa, Ryan/Becca and Matt/Echo!) and Ruby and Liam get lots of attention, we get to eat fresh produce from the farm and we just LOVE to be with you all out there so Thanks for such a wonderful holiday!!!!!
finally! I've been waiting for an update! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Miss you guys.
Looks like a great time of year! We went to that Journey to Bethlehem thing one year and I hated it, lol. But it looks like you had with the little ward clique. I had a fun time looking at your pics, I haven't seen Becca Mullin FOREVER! Your little kids are so cute! See ya soon!
OH my gosh, Mindy. I don't even know where to start commenting on all those fun pictures. You have to email me the "friend" pictures, since I'm such a slacker and never bring my camera. It was great to see all of you again...and for you to get to meet my sweet lil' Ava. It looks like you had a great, great Christmas! I seriously need to get with the program and put my Christmas pictures up.
I also think it's funny that Marty takes pictures of you sleeping in the car. That is something Brad would totally do. It's been soooo nice having him home for so long over the holidays. Anyway--talk to ya soon. Love ya!
Love all the pictures Mindy! Thought you had dropped off the planet or something...but off to sunny Cali you went. Merry Christmas late and Happy New Year!
LOve all the highlights! Those poo pics are classic! You guys are the best, that was such a fun night!! Thanks for everything!!
Oh, what i would give for a visit to sunny cali right now! I love all your pics from Di's house. It looks like a non-stop party! Glad you made it to and fro safely! Love you guys!
Looks like you had a great Christmas! I'm a little jealous that you got to go to California. I would love a trip to the beach right now!
Great pics Mindy! It was so great to see you..even if it was only for a minute. I love checking your blog and pretending like we're next door neighbors. :) And, of course, what would a post be from you guys without a picture of the Rubster passed out somewhere?!! I love it. Looks like your holidays were great.
Oh, and for the record, the comment about Ruby looking like she's off to war once again made me BUST out're funny. I really do want to know about the stocking for Jesus tradition, though.
So fun. I love all the christmas pictures.It looks like you guys had so much fun in California. No wonder it took you so long to blog that is alot of pictures.
Hi cute family. Glad you had such a fun holiday. I am not very good at training for triathelons. I just shoot for being able to do all the milage and then try to put them all together a few weeks before the race. I only do small ones though so its really not that bad. USU puts on two fun short ones at the end of spring semester if you want to come do them with me. Also, I went to the dorky mole doctor. I got my pictures taken so thanks for the referral. Hope all is well. We still need to make it to you one of these days. Love ya. Jared and Amy PS If you are still working a little let us know and we will come for a teeth clean. Jared is in need of it.
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