Anywho, we could only eat lean meats, raw veggies (if cooked- only in a little EVOO (as Rachael would say)), 2 fruits a day (one in am, one in pm) and 1/2 our body weight in ounces of water. NO dairy, (ouch) or carbs (double ouch!) So you may say "thats silly" or "what a stupid thing to do" or "get real"..etc. And I don't totally swear by it myself. I DO feel a little better- (I say a little cuz I really haven't been too 'regular' since I started on Monday which I usually am and pride myself in that.) And I don't know if I feel 'cleansed' or 'de-toxed' , but the scale showed a 1_3 down from a 1_7.5 ! So yay for that and Marty got down to a 170.5 and his goal has been 168 or 169 for a while now- it actually seems attainable now! Plus he said he feels a lot lighter on his feet when he runs and his pants are baggier.
Well you may call it just losing 'water weight' as my sister Michelle would lecture-BUT we were drinking tons of water during the 3 days!? Maybe, just maybe, it's real. For the record it was a pain in my butt to stick with- but it certainly put me in a different mind frame- I don't want to 'blow it' by splurging or overdoing it now. It took me back to the basics- dining on natural food and eating less fast/starchy, easy food. So thanks de-tox , whoever you are.
p.s. this also saved us...nice hot herbal tea with a little (sneaked) milk and some truvia...don't tell Ingrid. |
I'm speechless
Wow! I'm glad you went from a 107.5 to 103. You are teeny tiny. Really, just revisit our pictures from hawaii to get a confidence boost... and that's when we ran 6 miles a day!
Ha! ali, so funny...Hawaii was the good ol' days.!!! lots of choc. chip pancakes and icecream with beans and shaved ice...and cereal and animal crackers and CRAP...but it was fun and who cares anyway. We really were little runners though...thats when I really started getting into it and going a distance rather than around my block. sometimes i miss college days, they were a riot.
p.s. nice try on the 103...i wish. sometimes
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