Tuesday, May 10, 2011

with the love of a mother...

My sweet husband made this card for me on Mother's Day.  He's always said he's not as 'creative' or 'romantic' as my brothers are to their wives. And I think he is very different from my creative brothers...but this is why I love him so much. First of all I wouldn't necessarily want him to be just like my brothers...I prefer being married to a non-relative.  Secondly my husband worked so hard on this card-getting my kids to cooperate with the paint and trying to get them to place their feet in the right spot! It was a riot(says my Mom-who eventually went out to help him because he was sweating bullets trying to make it perfect). Needless to say-this made me cry because I know it's from his heart and I love his own unique originality and the way he loves me.  Plus I adore baby feet and they tug at my heart strings no matter what.
Some pics I took of my -sweeter than ever- neice.  Love tiny newborns!


Look at this cleavage...almost too immodest to post!  Ha.  SO adorable. I love rolls and chubs!

so sweet, makes me want another...soon.

my fav.

Precious little LORALYE.  You stay this way for a long time.!  And that's an order.


Palmer Paradise said...

Marty did such a good job on the card. So cute. I love love love all those pictures. I definately want to see them all. I have such an adorable child if I say so myself. Thanks for taking such great pictures. It is nice to have some newborn ones of her. Love ya.

cheeks said...

oh marty! you are sooo sweet! i LOVE the tiny footprints! i might have teared up a little too mindy! great shots of that sweet little babe! can't wait to meet her! ps...call me :)