So he is here! Yes, a BOY, born on Dec. 26th. We are so excited / shocked. Marty and myself had totally banked on it being a girl for some reason and we even had it narrowed down to 2 good girl names. We really didn't have many boy names running around in our we took a little extra time to determine his.
Meet Charles Henry Wright...
Charlie weighed in at 8 lbs. 11 oz.! Our biggest baby yet.
Doing a natural birth was the most excruciating thing I've have EVER experienced and I don't know if I'll do it again...well that's what I thought immediately following his delivery. But now that it's been a couple of days and I see the way I feel and have healed and look back to how neat the whole experience was....I may just do it that way again for our next child. The contractions weren't the hard part really. I was a 9 when I arrived at the hospital. The 'burning ring of fire' really hit when I was pushing him out. That is when I screamed and cried out and felt an anxiety attack coming on. But I got thru it - I only had to push thru 3 contractions- which at the time seemed like eternity. It was so special when he came out though. My mom, Marty and I were all emotionally drained/involved and it was really awesome to get him here after all that hard work. 

Oh, Mindy, he's darling! And you are CRAZY!!! ha ha ha Way to go! Congratulations!
He is beautiful. Give him lots of kisses for us. You are so brave. All of Oregon says hello. Hope you have a great new years. Love ya. Amy
Oh my what a beautiful little button. I can't believe how big he is! that last picture looks like he's a month old! Congratulations on the natural - way way beyond my capacity! You rock! blessings to your precious growing family.
I knew it. I knew you'd do it. And I'm too busy crying all over the keyboard to say much more. I love you all. Charles Henry is perfect.
yay yay yay mind! Congrats on the sweet little charlie, also on going natural. You rock! Glad you're both safe.
Oh Mindy - he is beautiful and oh so precious!!! Congrats on your new addtion and even more for going as natural as possible in your labor!!! Good job!!!
He is perfect! Congratulations! What a great Christmas surprise.
WOW!! You are amazing!! You are a strong and courageous girl and spunky too. I am so so proud of you. Charly looks like he's all grown up and he looks a little like Liam, don't you think? Can't wait to kiss him and hold him. Love you.
Once again he is beautiful. I love him to death. I still cant believe you went natural. You are amazing. Love ya.
CONGRATS Mindy!!!! You are amazing for doing natural props to you!!!!
He is gorgeous, congrats!!
Please call if you are ever passing through here.
YAY!! CONGRATS he is soooo cute I want to kiss those cheeks so bad. I can't believe how chubby he is already, an 8 lb baby I cannot image are the woman, way to Mindy we are so excited for you!!
I love him so much already!! I can't wait to see little Liam with him...can you imagine them in 2 year...making car and truck noises and crashing them together and waving their little hands around with excitement like Marty used to do...I can totally see it! and of course Ruby will be the best little Mother....Love you guys! and of course you are amazing..waiting til the last minute to go to the Hospital..amazing or crazy???
you are my idol! i'm so glad we were here to see him brand new! he is so precious! we love charlie!
I knew you could do it!!!! So glad I stopped by and said hi...I need to make a longer visit soon without my kiddos. He is so precious! Congrats and I love the name Charles!!!
Mindy he is ADORABLE!! And huge. He looks like a 6 week old baby. Congrats! I can't wait to meet him. Great name and I can't believe you did it natural you are one tough cookie! Love ya!
Congratulations- He is a cutie!! I'm so proud of you for going natural, what a neat experience! What a cute family you have- love ya, Jenni
YAHOO!!!! I can't wait to see him in person. I can't believe how big he was! I bet Ruby and Liam are excited to have him here! Give everyone kisses and hugs from Auntie Kimby!
I can NOT believe you did it naturally. Thank goodness it was only a few pushes.
We can't wait to meet little Charlie. That's what we're calling him already. Hopefully that's ok. =)
He's so big. How did your little body hold that in?
He's so cute too. Really- you don't see that much with newborns. He's adorable.
Congrats - he's adorable. I only want to have one more baby and I'm contemplating natural, but you scare me! LOL I just don't know if I want to feel that pain!
Burning ring of way in hell will I ever pass up the drugs! Love your honesty though. :)
He is sooo dang cute! Beautiful boy! 8 11?! what the...
CONGRATS! we've been gone for so long and I was way excited to find out he was a boy. An ADORABLE little boy at that. So excited for you!
Yea! Way to go! What a beautiful baby boy. I hope you heal faster... seems like it would be such a cool experience. You did it! Congratulations.
Tiff gave us the low-down on your amazing birth when we saw them over New Year's. You rock!! Great job and he is one cute, chubby cheeked cherub. Congratulations!
Of course it would happen that you went natural on your biggest baby! Congrats though that is such a feeling of accomplishment! I love that you named him Charlie too.
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